Wednesday, August 3, 2011

May 1989: Eisteddfod

Once again I put finger to keyboard (not as poetic as "take pen in hand") to bring you up to date on adventures in the outback.

Does anyone want a dog? I will even pay the airfare to send him to you. This new puppy is doing his best to drive me even further "around the bend." His cattle dog instincts are very apparent in a couple of ways - he loves to chew. He has been pretty good about not chewing furniture, but about anything else is fair game. He loves shoes, and people. If you don't know, cattle dogs control cattle by nipping them on the backs of their legs. Dorothy also thinks that he has the herding instinct. I was afraid if I let him run loose, I will end up with a yard full of animals he has herded into it. Actually, he is also pretty good about staying in the yard, but I am afraid that is only a matter of time. The thing though, that may shorten his life span is waking me up at 4:30-5:QO a.m. I hate mornings anyway (one of the things I like about living here is being able - prior to the dog - to sleep until 6:15, instead of getting up at 5:15 like I did in Alexandria.) I don't mind getting up to let him out at 5 a.m., it's the fact he wants to play when he comes back in. This is our third dog and I believe it will be the last.

Last week was very hectic and very interesting. An annual music event called an Eisteddfod was held at the Araluen Arts Center. The event had over 500 participants and ran from 8:45 a.m. until after 10 each night. An Eisteddfod is a Welsh competitive festival of arts. There were many categories of vocal and instrumental competitions and for the first time this year, readings, and even a debate. The participants ranged from the very young to older individuals. One man adjudicated all of the events, which was a huge job. Not only did he select the best performer or group in each category but he wrote a critique on each performer or group as well. Dwight was only in the Alice Springs Youth Band, while Toby was in a number of categories with the Alice Springs, Junior Singers, as well as performing on his own in two reading categories (prepared and impromptu-) and guitar. I heard the prepared reading and thought he was by far the most expressive reader. However, he lost his place a couple of times, so lost points. He did get a "high commendation" for the-impromptu reading (there is only one prize - 1st).

The community is extremely lucky to have a number of very talented and dedicated individuals who work with the kids in the community. The number of kids that participated was really impressive. One lady spends a lot of time training several choirs, as well as giving umpteen music lessons a week. Another lady, who also gives music lessons has numerous flute ensembles. A third lady has a number of high school vocal groups. Finally, the guy who directs the Youth Band has to be given credit. I can't stand the guy. He is an arrogant, despotic so and so, but he is a fantastic musician, and even though he rants and raves at the kids, he has done wonders with a group of kids, some of whom are barely competent on their instruments. At least the first night they performed, they sounded as good as many high school bands I have heard in the U.S., and those bands normally practice several days a week at school.

This band only practices once a week after school.

This week things have returned to the normal hectic, chaotic pace of life at the Grimms, including orchestrating the comings and goings of the cat and dog, which still can't co-exist. Dorothy has been a lot busier lately and is out of the house a good part of the time. I'm not sure we ever ate a meal together last week. In addition to the Eisteddfod, she went to a large fairly elaborate fashion show, which was held outside. At this time of the year, the evenings can be quite cool and she was pretty cold when she got home. She attended several other functions (brunches, etc) related to promoting the fashion show. We both have also continued to follow the research balloon launches and when one of the scientists called me at 5 a.m. one morning to tell me they were going to launch, Dorothy went to watch it, took "some pictures and ran an article and pictures in the paper. Both of us got to see the third launch in the series another night. That research package was put together by a group of Italians. There are still two payloads waiting to be launched - one by the U. of Cal. at San Diego (which includes a French experiment), and another Italian experiment.

Dwight continues to have interesting experience9 as the newspaper photographer. He recently photographed the Australian Penthouse "Pet of the Year" while she was in town - she remained clothed for his pictures. He also flew with one of the well known journalists from here down to Ayers Rock one day when the Sheraton had to clear many of their customers from their rooms to repair water damage. Speaking of the Sheraton, he went to the one here in Alice Springs one day to take some publicity ph6tos for them, but they weren't ready for him, so treated him to anything he wanted to eat in their Bistro. I should be so lucky.

Toby continues to enjoy bowling and is carrying about a 135 average, and I believe his high league game was a 191. He is also on the school debating team, and is not a bad speaker, but is not fast enough on his feet yet to do a good job offering rebuttals to the opposing team. But I think he is learning and some of the teachers have commented on his delivery (somewhat dramatic).

I am still pulling my hair out over the Australian-American Association. It got to the point that the secretary wasn't talking to the president, so I am now acting as the secretary. In addition, as with most organizations, we have trouble getting people to attend meetings (most of them manage to struggle to the "social" functions, however). Oh well.

I guess the only other news is that at least the site management has approved another 1-year extension (which means we will be here until at least July-Aug 1991). The extension has to be approved by offices in the U.S., but I expect it will be.

I guess that is all of the news I have at the moment.

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